Thursday 15 September 2016

Dusting Off The Blog

Deja Vu?

I started this particular blog when Dr. Alec Couros did #etmooc. Now I am dusting it off for his brother's (George Couros) #immooc. Another similarity between now and then: commenting. I was debating not setting up a spot for me to blog this time. I already find the massive amount of blogs (155 when I last looked) and FaceBook posts for #immooc to be daunting. Do I really want to add my small voice to that noise? Then George Couros set a challenge:

Yes. That is how we take the noise and make it a conversation. Which is the point to all of this, right? And these thoughts turned out to be very similar to my thinking three years ago: you put yourself out there when you post but I think sometimes that is easier than commenting.

Starting Conversations

I checked out Amy Stanley blog - Challenging myself to innovate! #IMMOOC. One phrase that really stood out for me was: "the spark of interest really changed into a fire to start something happening for myself and my district."

Next stop was David Wallace's blog - Create - Connect - Reflect. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was not the first person to comment on his blog. The title of his first blog post, I Don't Really Know The Destination, also resonated with others as well. One of the comments was a suggestion to join #immooc (which he already had done).  

Like selecting a new book to read, I am all about the titles. If there were covers for each blog post listed in the #immooc blog list, I would probably be swayed by the grooviest cover or anything containing Wonder Woman or glitter. So as someone who is passionate about technology integration in elementary school, I was drawn to the title of Alice Vigor's blog, Passionate About Primary, K-6 Teacher and Technology Leader. I was impressed by her student's curiosity that she brought out with starting a genius hour. You'll have to read her blog post to see what I am talking about. 

Jeff Nelson's short blog post, The First Step, really resonated with me. I really found myself turning a corner in the last few years as a professional. I have started realizing that I need to make time for professional reading, which is what brought me to #immooc. Like anything that we think something is important, as Jeff says, ….the time can be found.


  1. This is great! I love that you shared your process AND not only did you dust off your blog to add to the conversation, you shared insights & blogs from others in #immooc to amplify the conversation! Looking forward to lots more sharing, learning & doing:)

  2. Thank you Colette for the kind mention. It is nice to know someone out there is reading my blog posts. It's the first time I've put what I'm doing in my classroom, at my school and my thoughts out there for the world to see.
    Too often we live in the 'bubbles of education' that encompass our schools or Catholic diocese that we don't take the time to enjoy and celebrate the great innovative work of others.

    1. Yes, I agree "we don't take the time to enjoy and celebrate the great innovative work of others." I think commenting takes it that one step further, to acknowledge the great innovative work of others. I enjoyed reading your blog and will be interested to follow not only your #immooc journey but your adventure with older students!
